Hi, my name is Francesca, art director for Yonder and pixel artist of Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind+, the first of our released games and the one that I care the most.
I consider Red Rope as a son, a prodigy son, the one that’s always silent and introverted but a remarkable one. And now he is taking an important step: it’s landing on all the consoles.
I must confess, I’m not comfortable with promoting this game and with convincing someone to have a look at it. I’ve never felt uncomfortable with writing a press release for one of my games before. But I wouldn't feel like hiring another person to do the job for me. Not with Red Rope.
There’s nothing I can say, no short and clever description can easily describe how deep Red Rope is.
I’m an indie game developer and, together with my teammates, I work on games in which I deeply believe since 2013. Before choosing this path in my life, I have been an art student and I graduated in Anthropology. I'm a mediocre singer but music has never failed to give me great existential satisfaction.
I love my friends, my family, good food and I don't mind getting lost in my thoughts.
I like to feel involved in major projects. My favorite thing about making video games is the brainstorming, the moment when we can imagine new worlds, with their own rules, their aesthetics, and their lore. I love this job and I enjoy my life.
But if I were to die tomorrow, the thing that would make me most proud of myself is to have been part of the team that created Red Rope.
A game that awaits those who want to discover it.